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Security in Integrated Circuit
Side Channel

What is a Side Channel Attacks?

Side Channel is the fruit of more than 20 years of research. As a result, most of the cryptographic algorithms and their implementations into chips are subject to it. Our Side Channel Analysis tools include solutions for Hardware, Software and physical attacks on hardware products.
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Integrated Circuit Chip Security

What is required for a Side Channel Analysis?

Securing a hardware against Side Channel attacks requires the tester to tackle three main points:

  • A measurement bench with the ability to collect valuable information,
  • A software platform able to manage heavy computation with flexibility,
  • Hands-on expertise on and knowledge of multiple variants of attacks.

We offer all the necessary side channel tools to keep the security of your hardware in check.

Side channel software platform

Why eShard software solution for a Side Channel Analysis?

It is necessary to perform the whole side channel experimental flow on the same platform from the data collection to the statistical analyses. esDynamic is the scientific platform that offers the perfect technology to power side channel analyses with flexibility on all algorithms (AES, RSA, ECC, ...) and the ability to compute high volumes of data.

  • Manage the trace collection from the device and the lab equipment
  • Create cartography of the leakage detection
  • Perform data processing, such as trace alignment
  • Search leakages in the data set (T-Test)
  • Process statistics with efficient computation (DPA, CPA, MIA, ANOVA ..) in 1st or higher order
Learn more about esDynamic
Side channel expertise security

Expertise module extension: theoretical expertise

Side-channel is the fruit of more than 20 years of research. We developed a specific expertise material to cover

  • the attack techniques (deep learning, Scatter, lattice, ..) or,
  • the attacks applied to algorithms (Post Quantum Cryptography, LightWeight Cryptography, SMx).

With esDynamic and the specialized modules, we reconcile the know and the how into a unique know-how technical and dynamic content: attacks are described, can be replayed and adapted to your use case.

  • Catalogues of attack: the knowledge explained and the attack techniques fully implemented
  • Specialized libraries optimised for fast computation
  • Reference data sets
Starter Kit Chip Security by eShard

Use cases extension: hands-on expertise

Practical expertise can make the difference when successfully undertaking a side channel attack. Initially, Side Channel Analysis only targeted Smart Cards, but is now increasingly targeted towards complex System on Chip (SoC) devices.

Our Starter Kit is a real use case demonstrating all practical aspects of a successful side channel analysis on recent devices: from the bench setup to the secret key exhibition.

The hardware kit is delivered with the data traces and the dynamic content. And our catalog includes different use cases, including:

  • Side channel attack targeting an hardware implementation of an AES
  • Side channel attack targeting an ECDSA

Infrastructure extension: parallel and distributed computing

Side-channel analyses often demand substantial computing power, arising from

  • the large data sets (ranging into the millions of data traces) or
  • the depth of statistical investigations (such as high-order analysis or deep learning).

The esDynamic platform is exceptionally adaptable, designed to seamlessly integrate with GPU parallelism or distributed computing across CPUs or multiple machines. Its scalable infrastructure can be customized to meet diverse requirements. The Fast Computing (FCx) extension is specifically engineered to harness parallel or distributed computing, incorporating advanced statistical methods for unparalleled performance.

esCoaching Cybersecurity Training

Training: grow your Expertise

Very few experts are fully knowledgeable in the Side Channel attacks. Our comprehensive catalogue of Side Channel modules will help you to increase your knowledge, regardless if you are a beginner or a proficient professional.

  • Individual, online and practical,
  • One of our experts will coach you during these learning by doing sessions.
  • Access to esDynamic platform on the cloud
  • Data set are provided
  • Set of modules for experts or beginners
Oscilloscope Security in Chip

Our Specialized Lab

Our team of experts is available for specialized Side Channel audits. They have long track records in practical Side Channel in black box or grey box on different kinds of devices: System on Chips (SoC), secure controllers, FPGA. Our experts combined with our local infrastructure lead to best in class side channel evaluations. Our recent works included:

  • Side channel analysis of a PUF implementation
  • Side channel analysis of a secure controller implementing a signature protocol
  • Side channel analysis to stress a crypto processor on a SoC device

Our clients


"eShard’s esDynamic toolset allows ST to unify our characterization work with a high-performing and flexible framework.

It finally brings us a high confidence in the security of our products for a long-term resistance.”



"Purchase and installation went really great. Support responds very fast and is helpful in all questions. Offers also remote sessions for troubleshooting and for practice. Before the purchase we were offered a 30 day trial version (free of charge)."



The product have a good test efficiency. It's scalability is excellent.

If you have some idea about side channel analysis, it is easy for you to implement the experiment.



Training tools

Ecosystems move fast, so do the cybersecurity challenges. Your team must remain up-to-date and master the last security threats because your business and your customers are at stake.
Side-Channel Analysis Principles
Coach: Guillaume Bethouart
In this module, you will get the principles of side-channel analysis and the background knowledge needed to perform your first analysis. You will also practice on basic examples then on real use cases to become familiar with these techniques.
See more details
Advanced Side-Channel analysis on RSA
Coach: Guillaume Bethouart
In this module, you will learn about the state-of-the-art and advanced attacks on RSA. The training covers differential attacks on the modular exponentiation, horizontal analysis techniques, cross-correlation attacks and attacks on the CRT-RSA recombination.
Before starting - Python for Side-Channel crash course
Coach: Aurélien Vasselle
Python is today the preferred language for Data Science. Python open-source libraries for data science, statistics and machine learning make it a great language to perform efficient Side-Channel analysis. During this crash course, you will quickly get up to speed with Python, focusing on the language features and libraries useful to perform side-channel analysis.


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Blog Articles

Chip Security

Optimized White-Box Tracing for Efficient Side-Channel Attacks

15 min read
Edit by Guillaume Vinet • Sep 9, 2019
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